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Turn off gather_facts if you don't need it

If you execute a playbook with yaml gather_facts: true, Ansible starts collecting facts (data from your node that is stored into variables). These details include variables from the remote host such as network configuration variables, hostnames and so on.

The collection of these facts is a time-consuming process and in order to speed up the execution of the playbook you can turn gathering facts off.


 - hosts: all
   become: true
   gather_facts: true
     - name: restart mysql
        name: mysql
        state: restarted


 - hosts: all
   become: true
   gather_facts: false
     - name: restart mysql
        name: mysql
        state: restarted

Keep in mind that you need to enable gather_facts if you want to use host-variables or want to collect information about the remote host. A list about some of these Ansible facts can be found here: