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Use native YAML syntax for your Ansible code

There are several ways you can write your code in Ansible. At its core, the Ansible playbook runner is a YAML parser with added logic such as:

commandline key=value


Using the key=value shorthand format will limit the readability of your code:

- name: install telegraf
    name: telegraf-{{ telegraf_version }} state=present update_cache=yes disable_gpg_check=yes enablerepo=telegraf
  notify: restart telegraf

- name: configure telegraf
  ansible.builtin.template: src=telegraf.conf.j2 dest=/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
  notify: restart telegraf


Using native YAML has a few more lines but it reduces horizontal scrolling and line wrapping. Another benefit is the improved syntax highlighting in modern text editor software.

- name: install telegraf
    name: telegraf-{{ telegraf_version }}
    state: present
    update_cache: yes
    disable_gpg_check: yes
    enablerepo: telegraf
  notify: restart telegraf

- name: configure telegraf
    src: telegraf.conf.j2
    dest: /etc/telegraf/telegraf